Artist: Louis DurotBio

Louis Durot Langue Assis Red Polyurethane French 1960’s


SKU: 707 Categories: , Product ID: 1274


Louis Durot was an interesting character. He worked as an engineer and also studied organic chemistry, but also made many friends in the art world. He got to know the famous French artist Cesar, who was interested in working with polyurethane foam, but it was unstable and difficult to control. Durot  developed a more stable polyurethane that was easier to control and held its form, and Cesar went on to create his famous “expansions”.

Durot was also interested in working with the polyurethane that he had developed, and produced three dimensional sculptures, usually with surreal forms, such as giant carnivorous plants, mushrooms, and interesting furniture like this chair, which translated as Seated Tongue. Durot’s work was exhibited at Salon Batimatin Paris. For the full story of this eccentric artist, see our bio about him.